Adult Mental Health Initiative
NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council
Shannon Abrahamson 11/2/2022
This organization shall be known as the NW8 Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council.
The terms defined in this section shall have the meanings given unless otherwise specified by the context.
Local Advisory Council, Council, or LAC – The NW8 Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council (hereinafter “Council”) as established by NW8 Adult Mental Health Initiative staff in collaboration with consumers and community partners.
Governing Board – The NW8 Adult Mental Health Initiative (hereinafter “AMHI” or “the Board”).
Council Member – Refers to any elected consumer/family member of the Council, NW8 (Kittson, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau) Counties, Community Services staff, Mental Health Professional, and the AMHI Coordinator.
Local Advisory Council Meeting – The official Council meeting occurring at least once per quarter.
NW8 – The eight collaborating counties: Kittson, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau counties.
County Board – The County Board in each of the NW8 collaborating counties.
The overall purpose of the council is to serve as an advisory committee to the Board to fulfill the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 245.466 Subd. 5 and 245.462 Subd. 10. Council actions shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
It is the mission of the NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council to promote mental health wellness and recovery in our communities
Required Duties of the Adult Local Advisory Council
- Coordinate – Receives input about coordination of care between the Regional Treatment Centers (State Mental Health Services)/Local Community Behavioral Health Hospitals and community based mental health service providers at least annually.
- Plan – The council is to be involved in the development of the county and adult mental health initiative plans/applications by providing needs assessments to the Governing Board.
- Inform –Identifies for the county board individuals and agencies to receive information on predictors and symptoms of mental disorders, where mental health services are available in the county and how to access services.
- Recommend – The council makes recommendations regarding the services provided by the local mental health system. The LAC is to provide the county board with a report of unmet mental health needs of adults residing in the county at least annually. The county board is to consider the advice of the Local Advisory Council in carrying out its responsibilities.
- Report – The LAC is to report its recommendations regarding the local mental health system to the State Advisory Council on Mental Health.
Other Roles & Responsibilities recommended
- Review, evaluate and make recommendations regarding any element of the local mental health care system to the county board
- Communicate its positions to other policy makers and organizations, which may have a significant impact upon the local mental health system, including schools, public health, hospitals, corrections, law enforcement agencies, courts, state and federal legislators and private providers. LAC’s should coordinate with the county when communicating these positions
- Actively develop and conduct public education activities on behalf of the county board
It is the goal of the NW8 Adult LAC to use the knowledge of a broad range of people to improve and support mental health services in our communities
The membership of the NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council is comprised of at least one individual with a lived mental health experience and one family member of an adult with a mental illness on the council which includes: Kittson, Mahnomen, Marshall, Norman, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, & Roseau Counties. The NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council will consist of (16) voting members to be selected in the following manners.
The following will comprise the membership of the NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council.
16 Sixteen (16) Consumer/Family member Representatives from each of the participating counties will cast two votes per county
1 Ex-officio non-voting Mental Health Professional selected by the AMHI Governing Board
1 Ex-officio non-voting Community Support Services Representative selected by the AMHI Governing Board
8 Ex-officio non-voting Representatives from each of the participating counties selected by the NW8 Human Services Directors
1 Ex-officio non-voting AMHI Coordinator Representative selected by the NW8 Human Services Directors
New members will be actively recruited. The Council will accept and review applications for new members as they are submitted and other information such as special interest, etc., from applicants. Annually the Council shall appoint new and existing members to fulfill membership guidelines in Minnesota Statutes, Section 245.466 Subd.5 and best practices as described in the LAC handbook. Council member applications can be found on the NW8 AMHI website or at any of the NW8 participating county social services.
Alternate Members
The Local Advisory council may appoint one “alternate” from each of the NW8 participating counties when the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of vacancies in that county. This practice allows the council to increase community participation, and maintain full representation in the LAC without having to appoint a new member to fill an unexpected vacancy during the course of the year. In the event a member resigns or is removed from the council, the Alternate will be appointed as the Member for that County. The appointment of the Alternate members does not change the number of voting members, which is set in the LAC By-Laws at 16.
Members serve for a term of four years from the date of appointment. (Minnesota Statute 15.059 Subd.2) A member may be appointed to an unlimited amount of terms. Though a member may be appointed (or re-appointed) to a term on the Adult Mental Health Advisory Council, the County Board, at its discretion, may replace a member at any time, where, in the opinion of the County Board, it is in the best interest to do so.
Two active council members from each of the participating NW8 counties may be compensated at the rate of $55 for Local Advisory Council, AMHI, Officer, or Subcommittee meetings. Members, who, as a result of time spent attending council, AMHI, Officer, or subcommittee meetings, will be reimbursed a flat rate of $55.00 to cover all expenses incurred to attend meetings. (Minnesota Statute 15.059 Subd.3) In addition, two active members from each of the participating counties will receive a flat rate of $55 for any events the Local Advisory Council tables. LAC members and alternates may receive reimbursement to attend trainings, receive education, and/or attend conferences to network. Any opportunity must be reviewed and approved for reimbursement by the NW8 Adult Mental Health Local Advisory Council prior to attending. Alternates may be compensated for meetings or events when they are in attendance for a member that is absent from their county. Members are eligible for a gas voucher from their County Case Manager for any approved outreach activities when they are not receiving a stipend. Each council member is responsible for filling out the Adult LAC invoice and submitting it to the County Social Service agency they represent.
Members are expected to participate in a manner that creates a respectful environment for everyone; this includes both verbal and written communications. In addition, members are expected to conduct council business in a manner that allows for positive interactions that are results orientated. While respectful disagreements may occur, all members are protected from harassment and bullying.
Concerns about Council business or another members actions may be directed to the Local Advisory Council for resolution. The NW8 LAC Grievance form provided in the Welcome packet must be filled out, submitted, & reviewed for resolution at the next scheduled NW8 LAC meeting. If the Council member or Local Advisory Council believe the concern has not been resolved to their satisfaction, the County board where the member resides will review the complaint and assist in its resolution.
A member may resign from the Council by notifying the Chair in writing of their intention. The Chair will notify the Council of the resignation at the next scheduled Council meeting.
Changing of Members
The LAC may refer to the County board when issues cannot be resolved about Council business or another members actions. If the Council member or Local Advisory Council believe the concern has not been resolved to their satisfaction, the County board where the member resides will review the complaint and assist in its resolution. The Local Advisory Council may recommend to the County board a member receive disciplinary action or removal from the council for reasons including but not limited to:
- Council member missed (3) consecutive meetings. After the (2) second consecutive missed meeting and before the next meeting, an officer of the Council should notify the member in writing that they may be removed for missing the next meeting. (Minnesota Statute 15.059 Subd.4)
- Engaging in personal or professional activities that represent a conflict of interest, or negatively affects the operation of the council, or its members.
- No longer residing in, or providing mental health services in the NW8
- Violating Council Standards of Conduct
A vacancy on the Council during a term shall be filled as promptly as possible in accordance with Section E of these Bylaws.
The Council shall appoint a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary to serve as officers of the Council. It is preferable that at least one officer be a consumer. Each officer shall serve for a period of three years, commencing at the January meeting of the calendar year following the end of term, or until his/her successor is duly appointed. All officers must have served on the Council for at least 6 months before being elected to office.
Duties of Officers
- The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Council, shall perform the usual duties of the Chairperson and may speak for, and on behalf of, the Council.
- The Chairperson shall attend AMHI board meetings, present the LAC annual report and any needs of the LAC to the County Social Service Directors
- The Chairperson shall initiate work groups as warranted.
- Issue notice of all Council meetings, keep the minutes and maintain a record for that purpose.
- Responsible for membership recruitment and monitor the membership to assure observance of Minnesota Statutes, Section 245.466 Subd.5 and 245.462 Subd.10 and best practices as described in the LAC Handbook.
- Provide Agendas 3 days prior to any meeting & Minutes 3 days after any meeting conducted to the AMHI Coordinator to distribute to the council.
- Request and obtain any necessary administrative support from the NW8 Adult Mental Health Initiative Coordinator.
- In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume all the powers and duties of the Chairperson.
- Responsible for membership recruitment and monitor the membership to assure observance of Minnesota Statutes, Section 245.466 Subd.5 and 245.462 Subd.10 and best practices as described in the LAC Handbook.
- Request and obtain any necessary administrative support from the NW8 Adult Mental Health Initiative Coordinator.
- Perform such additional duties as may be established by the Council or Chairperson from time to time.
- Request and obtain any necessary administrative support from the NW8 Adult Mental Health Initiative Community services staff.
- Responsible for membership recruitment and monitor the membership to assure observance of Minnesota Statutes, Section 245.466 Subd.5 and 245.462 Subd.10 and best practices as described in the LAC Handbook.
Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Council shall be held at least quarterly, at such time and place as shall be determined by the Council. Council members shall be sent notification of the specific time, place and tentative agenda, together with appropriate materials, at least three (3) calendar days prior to the meetings. The Council shall not be limited to such agenda items during meetings.
Subcommittee Meetings
Subcommittee meetings of the Council may be held upon the call of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or a majority of members of the Council. Notice of a meeting will be discussed at the regular council meeting and any member may volunteer to be a part of the Subcommittee meeting to work on additional projects between the regular council meetings.
Officers Meetings
Officer meetings may be held upon the call of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or Secretary to discuss agendas, goals, and needs assessments to address to the AMHI board. All business discussed will be brought to the Local Advisory Council to approve.
Quorum & Voting
The council includes up to 16 voting members. Non-members and guests may participate in discussion during open meeting, but only members’ appointed by the Local Advisory Council may cast a vote on Council actions. Alternate members may vote when another member from their county is absent. Those members present and voting at any meeting of the Council shall constitute a quorum for conducting business, so long as 40% of the voting members are present. In the event that such criterion is not met the item shall be tabled until the next meeting.
Conduct of Business
- The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Council to the extent that they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
- Each county shall constitute two votes. An Alternate may vote in the absence of a member from the same county
- All official Council positions, reports, etc. will be stated in writing to the Board.
Records of Meetings
An Officer shall prepare the minutes of the meetings. The Chairperson and Secretary shall approve said minutes. Once approved, the minutes shall be posted given to the AMHI Coordinator to post to the designated website.
Open Meetings
All NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council meetings shall be open to the public. Notices of meetings will be posted on the designated website.
Operating procedures
This advisory council operates in accordance with the operating procedures established by the NW8 Counties and the State of Minnesota (statute 245.466 subd. 5).
The NW8 Adult Local Advisory Council Bylaws should be reviewed annually or may be amended at any time as deemed necessary by a majority vote of the council.